Adult Pen

How to Inject HUMIRA
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Child Injection Pen
[Text on Screen and Spoken] This demonstration video offers you help and guidance for injecting with the HUMIRA® Pen. Watch it and read the entire Patient Instructions for Use found in your HUMIRA package. Don’t try to inject HUMIRA yourself until your doctor has decided you can, and you’ve been shown the right way to give injections.
Throughout this video, you will hear from actual patients. Individual experiences may vary.
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your doctor.
[Text on screen] HUMIRA logo and HUMIRA Complete logo
JANET: Hi, how are you? I’m Janet. And I know that there are a million things you’d rather be doing right now than learning about injecting your medication...I get it. Before we start, I want you to know that there are a lot more ways HUMIRA Complete can help you out than with this video. Because, well, let’s be real...there’s more to making HUMIRA a routine part of your life than just learning how to inject.
If you are concerned about being able to afford your medication, or have questions about insurance, or are wondering how you can do this on your own, HUMIRA Complete can help get you the answers you need when you need them. You even have a dedicated Nurse Ambassador available to you. Whether you are just starting or have been taking it awhile, HUMIRA Complete is there for you.
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Request a HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* at 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] *Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
Everyone has a different perspective about injecting, and throughout this video, you will hear from some actual patients.
LINDSEY: I was very hesitant; my first thought was “you’ve been terrified of needles since you were a child.”
STEVEN: Obviously, it involves a little bit more than just taking a pill and what it would feel like.
DANAY: It’s okay to be nervous. It’s okay to feel nervous. But, if this is something that’s gonna help me continue to move forward, why not give it a try?
LAURA: Luckily, my Nurse Ambassador—she was awesome. So she came and she really was patient, took her time with me.
MICHAEL: They have been very good about calling and keeping up with what’s going on.
JANET: So, let’s clear some things up. Ready? Let’s do this.
First, wash your hands and get the things you need.
And settle in a place where you feel relaxed.
[Text on Screen] Store HUMIRA in the refrigerator until time of use.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed. Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
If it’s more comfortable for you, take your HUMIRA out of the fridge and leave it at room temp 15 to 30 minutes before you inject.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight.
LAURA: Like, I think having the routine in the beginning until I was comfortable made a lot of sense for me.
LINDSEY: I lay everything out, I plan which side I’m going to inject, and I think the process actually calms me down.
DANAY: I knew that one day I’m gonna have to do it on my own, so I just sucked it up and I did it.
JANET: There’s an alcohol swab that’s included inside the package, a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), and, of course, the HUMIRA Pen.
[Text on Screen] Cotton ball not included in the package.
Your doctor may have prescribed you one of two Pens.
[Text on Screen] You will also need a puncture-resistant container with lid to dispose of used sharps.
The differences you can see here are the viewing window and the caps. Both Pens work the same way.
Now, check the Pen. There’s a large number 1 on the gray cap and a large number 2 on the plum-colored cap. You can’t miss ‘em. Look at the Pen with the gray cap pointing up to make sure that the liquid is clear and colorless. If the liquid is cloudy, has an unusual color, or has flakes or specks in it, you shouldn’t use it. Use another Pen in the fridge if you have one and call your pharmacy. If you see a few bubbles, no problem. And be sure to check the medicine’s expiration date.
You can find what we’re about to cover inside the package.
I’ll break this down in 4 simple steps; let’s call them the “4 Ps.”
- PICK the injection site
- PULL the caps off
- PLACE the white end of the Pen on the site
- And PRESS the plum-colored button
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
To pick your site, rotate each time at least 1 inch from the previous injection site; you can inject in the right or left thigh or on your stomach.
[Text on Screen] Injectable Areas
[Text on Screen] A new injection should be at least 1 inch away from the site you chose the time before.
If you choose the lower stomach area, make sure it’s at least 2 inches away from your belly button.
[Text on Screen] 2 inches
Clean the site with an alcohol swab. You shouldn’t inject through clothing. And don’t inject into any skin that doesn’t look normal.
[Text on Screen] Do not inject into skin that is sore, bruised, red, hard, scarred, raised, thick, has scaly patches, lesions, or stretch marks.
[Text on Screen]: PULL THE CAPS OFF
JANET: So now, pick up the Pen with the gray cap pointing up, holding the middle of the Pen with one hand. Pull that gray cap straight off. No need to recap the Pen, and be careful not to touch the needle. If a few drops of liquid come out of the needle, no worries. Now, from the bottom of the Pen, pull the plum-colored cap off, and you’ll see a plum button. Then flip the Pen so that the plum activator button is now pointing up and hold it so you can see the window. Don’t press the button just yet. Now, you’re just about ready to inject. If you’re still a little nervous...I totally get it.
DANAY: Try to think about something else, like TV or something to distract you.
STEVEN: Just listen to your favorite music.
MICHAEL: I think the Pen, when you do not see the needle, would help anyone who is afraid of needles.
LAURA: Honestly, and remembering to breathe. That’s huge!
DANAY:Take a deep breath in...
STEVEN:And then exhale.
DANAY: And I just did it. One, two, three, and it was over!
JANET: With your free hand, squeeze the area of skin that you’ve cleaned and hold it firmly until the injection is complete.
Place the white needle sleeve of the Pen straight at a 90° angle and flat against your skin.
[Text on Screen] 90°
[Text on Screen] It is important that you firmly push the Pen down all the way against the injection site before starting the injection. Keep pushing down to prevent the Pen from moving away from the skin during the injection. And press the plum activator button with your thumb to start the injection.
[Sound effect: Pen “CLICK”]
Hear that? That’s the click you’ll hear that signals the start of the injection. You may actually feel the medicine going in. Don’t let it startle you. And we’re off...
Continue to press the button and push the Pen against your squeezed, raised skin for 10 seconds to make sure all the medicine has been released from the Pen.
You’ll know the injection is finished when the yellow indicator in the window has stopped moving. You're good to go.
Pull the Pen away from your skin...
[Text on Screen] Injection is complete when the yellow indicator has stopped moving
[Text on Screen]: Injection is complete when the yellow indicator has stopped moving. This could take 10-15 seconds, depending on the dose.
Drop the Pen into a sharps container immediately.
Instead of rubbing the site, gently press a cotton ball (or gauze) for 10 seconds. There may be a small amount of liquid on the injection site, which is totally normal.
[Text on Screen] There may be pain, redness, rash, swelling, itching, or bruising. If it doesn’t go away within a few days or gets worse, call your doctor right away.
STEVEN: It definitely hurt less than I had imagined it.
LAURA: All those nerves I had in the beginning, now it’s kind of almost nothing.
JANET: In a nutshell, here’s what we just did:
- PICK the site
- PULL the caps off
- PLACE the white end of the Pen on the site
- And PRESS the plum-colored button
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
LINDSEY: I made it through it.
MICHAEL: You just have to get over that fear.
DANAY: I have confidence, I know what I’m doing, I’m a pro, that’s what it is—I’m a pro!
STEVEN: The HUMIRA Complete App, it keeps on a 2-week schedule.
[Text on Screen] Get it in the App Store or Google Play. Search HUMIRA Complete.
LAURA: It gave me every tool that I need to understand what I’m doing and how to do it.
MICHAEL: They will text that I’ve got an injection coming up.
[Text on Screen] Schedule reminder calls, email, or texts on or call 1.800.4HUMIRA
DANAY: It feels great to be able to be in control of my own medicine.
LINDSEY: I completely own this disease, as well as my own health.
JANET: If you have any questions, call your doctor. You can also call HUMIRA Complete at 1.800.4HUMIRA or your Nurse Ambassador. And you can always refer to this video to cover the basics. You’ve got this.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your doctor.
[Text on Screen] Safety Considerations1
[Text on Screen] Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side effects including hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus, allergic reactions, nervous system problems, blood problems, heart failure, certain immune reactions including a lupus-like syndrome, liver problems, and new or worsening psoriasis.
[Text on Screen] You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.
[Text on Screen] Reference: 1. HUMIRA Injection [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
[Text on Screen] US-HUM-230464
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen and Spoken] This demonstration video offers you help and guidance for injecting with the HUMIRA® Pen. Watch it and read the entire Patient Instructions for Use found in your HUMIRA package. Don’t try to inject HUMIRA yourself until your doctor has decided you can, and you’ve been shown the right way to give injections.
Throughout this video, you will hear from actual patients. Individual experiences may vary.
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child’s doctor.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo and HUMIRA Complete logo
TOM: Welcome and thanks for joining us. I’m Tom, also known as Dad, and this is my daughter, Jessica.
TOM: And we’re here to talk about how to take HUMIRA. I know, injecting your child probably isn’t anyone’s favorite subject, but it’s an important one. And I get it. So, together with Jessica here, we’re going to help you learn how to properly inject. Before we start, I want you to know that there are a lot more ways HUMIRA Complete can help you out than this video. Because there’s more to making HUMIRA a routine part of your lives than making sure you’re giving your child their medication correctly, right? So, if you’re concerned about being able to afford your child’s medication, or have questions about insurance, or are wondering how you can do this on your own, HUMIRA Complete can help you get the answers you need, when you need them. You even have a dedicated Nurse Ambassador available to you. So, whether you are just starting or have been taking it for a while, HUMIRA Complete is here for you. Everyone has a different perspective about injecting, and throughout this video, you’ll hear some of them.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Request a HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* at 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] *Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
VICTORIA: I like dancing. I like science class.
JACOB: I really like sports. I’ve been in them almost all my life.
CHLOE: The first time I was injected, it was really hard. I was so scared. I felt like they were almost more nervous than me, and I guess it helps that I wasn’t administering the shot yet.
HEIDI: Right from the start, he felt like he wanted to own it himself.
MARK: It’s hard to have to do it, and I mean, she’s just so strong.
VICTORIA: Oh don’t you start crying! Mom...
TOM: Obviously, it isn’t the easiest thing for your kid—or for you. So, after giving your child their medication, you might want to celebrate a little on injection day. You know, something fun you both like to do.
VICTORIA: My dad likes to make jokes about it sometimes. He’s like “Yes, HUMIRA Thursday!”
ERIC: Totally like OK, way to go, knuckle bump, alright, let’s get on with our evening and move on with our normal life.
VICTORIA: Then I’ll just go do whatever like, go on my phone, or watch TV or go to dance.
TOM: Are you ready?
TOM: Alright, let’s do this. You can find what we’re about to cover inside the package. I’ll break this down into 4 simple steps. Let’s call them the “4Ps.”
- PICK the injection site
- PULL the caps off
- PLACE the white end of the Pen on the site
- And PRESS the plum-colored button
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
So, let’s get started.
First, wash your hands and get the things you need. And settle in a place where you feel relaxed.
[Text on Screen] Store HUMIRA in the refrigerator until time of use.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
If it’s more comfortable for your child, take the HUMIRA out of the fridge and leave it at room temp for 15 to 30 minutes before you inject.
You might want to do all the prep stuff while your kid is in another room.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight.
CHLOE: I’ll go downstairs and my mom will have set my shot out from the fridge.
VICTORIA: I sit in, like, the same chair, the same way, like, every time. My dad does the injection, and my mom, she used to, like, hold my hand. Now I just use, like, my sister’s, like, squishy little toy.
JACOB: I would often take some sour candies. It was just a distraction.
MARK: I tend to joke with her a lot and ease the situation. It made it a lot better for her.
TOM: There’s an alcohol swab that’s included inside the package, a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), and, of course, the HUMIRA Pen.
[Text on Screen] Cotton ball not included in the package.
Your doctor may have prescribed you one of two Pens. The differences you can see here are the viewing window and the caps. Both Pens work the same way.
[Text on Screen] You will also need a puncture-resistant container with lid to dispose of used sharps.
Now check the Pen. There’s a large number 1 on the gray cap. And a large number 2 on the plum-colored cap. You can’t miss ’em. Look at the Pen with the gray cap pointing up, to make sure that the liquid is clear and colorless. If the liquid is cloudy, has an unusual color, or has flakes or specks in it, you shouldn’t use it. Use another Pen in the fridge if you have one and call your pharmacy. If you see a few bubbles, no problem. And be sure to check your medicine’s expiration date.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
So, have we missed anything, Jess?
JESSICA: Nope, so far so good, Dad.
TOM: To choose the injection site, rotate each time at least 1 inch from the previous injection site, and you can inject in the right or left thigh and on your stomach.
[Text on Screen] Injectable Areas
[Text on Screen] A new injection should be at least 1 inch away from the site you chose the time before.
If you’re choosing the belly area, be sure it’s at least 2 inches away from the belly button. But for now, we’ll show you using the left thigh.
[Text on Screen] 2 inches
Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab. You shouldn’t inject through clothing. And don’t inject into skin that doesn’t look normal.
[Text on Screen] Do not inject into skin that is sore, bruised, red, hard, scarred, raised, thick, has scaly patches, lesions, or stretch marks.
[Text on Screen] PULL THE CAPS OFF
So now, pick up the Pen with the gray cap pointing up, holding the middle of the Pen with one hand. With your other hand, pull the gray cap straight off. No need to recap the Pen after you’re done, and be careful not to touch the needle. And if a few drops come out of the needle, no worries. Now, from the bottom of the Pen, pull the plum-colored cap off and you’ll see a plum-colored button. Flip the Pen so the plum activator button is now pointing up and hold it so you can see the window. Don’t press the button just yet. Now, you’re just about ready to inject.
CHLOE: Yeah, you kinda have to psych yourself up for it.
VICTORIA: Breathe in, breathe out.
TOM: You may want to come up with something that helps your child think about something else, like reciting a countdown or a catchphrase.
CHLOE: You’re almost there, Chloe. You’re almost there and then you’re done for 2 weeks.
VICTORIA: My dad does 3, 2...
CHLOE: ...1 and I put a little pressure down and it goes.
TOM: With your free hand, squeeze the area of skin that you’ve cleaned and hold it firmly until the injection is complete, so you’re not injecting into any muscle. Place the white needle sleeve of the Pen straight at a 90° angle and flat against the raised area of the skin you’re squeezing.
[Text on Screen] 90°
[Text on Screen] It is important that you firmly push the Pen down all the way against the injection site before starting the injection. Keep pushing down to prevent the Pen from moving away from the skin during the injection.
Now, press the plum activator button with your thumb to start the injection.
[Sound effect: Pen “CLICK”]
You hear that? That’s the click that signals the start of the injection. Don’t let it startle you. Your child may actually feel the medicine going in.
Continue to press the button and push the Pen against the squeezed, raised skin for 10 seconds to make sure all the medicine has been released from the Pen. You’ll know the injection is finished when the yellow indicator in the window has stopped moving.
[Text on Screen]: Injection is complete when the yellow indicator has stopped moving. This could take 10-15 seconds depending on the dose.
Pull the Pen away from the skin. Now that the white needle sleeve has moved to cover the needle tip, drop the Pen into the sharps container—immediately.
Gently press the injection site with a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), instead of rubbing it, for 10 seconds. You might see a small amount of liquid on the injection site. This is normal.
[Text on Screen] There may be pain, redness, rash, swelling, itching, or bruising. If it doesn’t go away within a few days or gets worse, call your child’s doctor right away.
In a nutshell, here’s what we just did:
- PICK the site
- PULL the caps off
- PLACE the white end of the Pen on the site
- And PRESS the plum-colored button
Now it’s time to clean up...
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
CHLOE: So, I mean, it’s not that bad.
HEIDI: It’s a tough injection, but it definitely is one that, um, we’ve mastered.
JACOB: I set an alarm on my computer and my phone...
[Text on Screen] Schedule reminder calls, email, or texts on or call 1.800.4HUMIRA
CHLOE: ...and it says in all caps “SHOT” with exclamation points. It makes it really easy.
TOM: If you have any questions, call your doctor. You can also call HUMIRA Complete at 1.800.4HUMIRA or your Nurse Ambassador. And you can always refer to this video to cover the basics. You’ve got this.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child's doctor.
[Text on Screen] Safety Considerations1
[Text on Screen] Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side effects including hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus, allergic reactions, nervous system problems, blood problems, heart failure, certain immune reactions including a lupus-like syndrome, liver problems, and new or worsening psoriasis.
[Text on Screen] You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.
[Text on Screen] Reference: 1. HUMIRA Injection [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
[Text on Screen] US-HUM-230472
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen and Spoken] This demonstration video offers you help and guidance for injecting with the HUMIRA® Pen. Watch it and read the entire Patient Instructions for Use found in your HUMIRA package. Don’t try to inject HUMIRA yourself until your doctor has decided you can, and you’ve been shown the right way to give injections.
Throughout this video, you will hear from actual patients. Individual experiences may vary.
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child’s doctor.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo and HUMIRA Complete logo
TOM: Welcome and thanks for joining us. I’m Tom, also known as Dad, and this is my daughter, Jessica.
TOM: And we’re here to talk about how to take HUMIRA. I know, injecting your child probably isn’t anyone’s favorite subject, but it’s an important one. And I get it. So, together with Jessica here, we’re going to help you learn how to properly inject. Before we start, I want you to know that there are a lot more ways HUMIRA Complete can help you out than this video. Because there’s more to making HUMIRA a routine part of your lives than making sure you’re giving your child their medication correctly, right? So, if you’re concerned about being able to afford your child’s medication, or have questions about insurance, or are wondering how you can do this on your own, HUMIRA Complete can help you get the answers you need, when you need them. You even have a dedicated Nurse Ambassador available to you. So, whether you are just starting or have been taking it for a while, HUMIRA Complete is here for you. Everyone has a different perspective about injecting, and throughout this video, you’ll hear some of them.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Request a HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* at 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] *Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
VICTORIA: I like dancing. I like science class.
JACOB: I really like sports. I’ve been in them almost all my life.
CHLOE: The first time I was injected, it was really hard. I was so scared. I felt like they were almost more nervous than me, and I guess it helps that I wasn’t administering the shot yet.
HEIDI: Right from the start, he felt like he wanted to own it himself.
MARK: It’s hard to have to do it, and I mean, she’s just so strong.
VICTORIA: Oh don’t you start crying! Mom...
TOM: Obviously, it isn’t the easiest thing for your kid—or for you. So, after giving your child their medication, you might want to celebrate a little on injection day. You know, something fun you both like to do.
VICTORIA: My dad likes to make jokes about it sometimes. He’s like “Yes, HUMIRA Thursday!”
ERIC: Totally like OK, way to go, knuckle bump, alright, let’s get on with our evening and move on with our normal life.
VICTORIA: Then I’ll just go do whatever like, go on my phone, or watch TV or go to dance.
TOM: Are you ready?
TOM: Alright, let’s do this. You can find what we’re about to cover inside the package. I’ll break this down into 4 simple steps. Let’s call them the “4Ps.”
- PICK the injection site
- PULL the caps off
- PLACE the white end of the Pen on the site
- And PRESS the plum-colored button
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
So, let’s get started.
First, wash your hands and get the things you need. And settle in a place where you feel relaxed.
[Text on Screen] Store HUMIRA in the refrigerator until time of use.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
If it’s more comfortable for your child, take the HUMIRA out of the fridge and leave it at room temp for 15 to 30 minutes before you inject.
You might want to do all the prep stuff while your kid is in another room.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight.
CHLOE: I’ll go downstairs and my mom will have set my shot out from the fridge.
VICTORIA: I sit in, like, the same chair, the same way, like, every time. My dad does the injection, and my mom, she used to, like, hold my hand. Now I just use, like, my sister’s, like, squishy little toy.
JACOB: I would often take some sour candies. It was just a distraction.
MARK: I tend to joke with her a lot and ease the situation. It made it a lot better for her.
TOM: There’s an alcohol swab that’s included inside the package, a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), and, of course, the HUMIRA Pen.
[Text on Screen] Cotton ball not included in the package.
Your doctor may have prescribed you one of two Pens. The differences you can see here are the viewing window and the caps. Both Pens work the same way.
[Text on Screen] You will also need a puncture-resistant container with lid to dispose of used sharps.
Now check the Pen. There’s a large number 1 on the gray cap. And a large number 2 on the plum-colored cap. You can’t miss ’em. Look at the Pen with the gray cap pointing up, to make sure that the liquid is clear and colorless. If the liquid is cloudy, has an unusual color, or has flakes or specks in it, you shouldn’t use it. Use another Pen in the fridge if you have one and call your pharmacy. If you see a few bubbles, no problem. And be sure to check your medicine’s expiration date.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
So, have we missed anything, Jess?
JESSICA: Nope, so far so good, Dad.
TOM: To choose the injection site, rotate each time at least 1 inch from the previous injection site, and you can inject in the right or left thigh and on your stomach.
[Text on Screen] Injectable Areas
[Text on Screen] A new injection should be at least 1 inch away from the site you chose the time before.
If you’re choosing the belly area, be sure it’s at least 2 inches away from the belly button. But for now, we’ll show you using the left thigh.
[Text on Screen] 2 inches
Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab. You shouldn’t inject through clothing. And don’t inject into skin that doesn’t look normal.
[Text on Screen] Do not inject into skin that is sore, bruised, red, hard, scarred, raised, thick, has scaly patches, lesions, or stretch marks.
[Text on Screen] PULL THE CAPS OFF
So now, pick up the Pen with the gray cap pointing up, holding the middle of the Pen with one hand. With your other hand, pull the gray cap straight off. No need to recap the Pen after you’re done, and be careful not to touch the needle. And if a few drops come out of the needle, no worries. Now, from the bottom of the Pen, pull the plum-colored cap off and you’ll see a plum-colored button. Flip the Pen so the plum activator button is now pointing up and hold it so you can see the window. Don’t press the button just yet. Now, you’re just about ready to inject.
CHLOE: Yeah, you kinda have to psych yourself up for it.
VICTORIA: Breathe in, breathe out.
TOM: You may want to come up with something that helps your child think about something else, like reciting a countdown or a catchphrase.
CHLOE: You’re almost there, Chloe. You’re almost there and then you’re done for 2 weeks.
VICTORIA: My dad does 3, 2...
CHLOE: ...1 and I put a little pressure down and it goes.
TOM: With your free hand, squeeze the area of skin that you’ve cleaned and hold it firmly until the injection is complete, so you’re not injecting into any muscle. Place the white needle sleeve of the Pen straight at a 90° angle and flat against the raised area of the skin you’re squeezing.
[Text on Screen] 90°
[Text on Screen] It is important that you firmly push the Pen down all the way against the injection site before starting the injection. Keep pushing down to prevent the Pen from moving away from the skin during the injection.
Now, press the plum activator button with your thumb to start the injection.
[Sound effect: Pen “CLICK”]
You hear that? That’s the click that signals the start of the injection. Don’t let it startle you. Your child may actually feel the medicine going in.
Continue to press the button and push the Pen against the squeezed, raised skin for 10 seconds to make sure all the medicine has been released from the Pen. You’ll know the injection is finished when the yellow indicator in the window has stopped moving.
[Text on Screen]: Injection is complete when the yellow indicator has stopped moving. This could take 10-15 seconds depending on the dose.
Pull the Pen away from the skin. Now that the white needle sleeve has moved to cover the needle tip, drop the Pen into the sharps container—immediately.
Gently press the injection site with a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), instead of rubbing it, for 10 seconds. You might see a small amount of liquid on the injection site. This is normal.
[Text on Screen] There may be pain, redness, rash, swelling, itching, or bruising. If it doesn’t go away within a few days or gets worse, call your child’s doctor right away.
In a nutshell, here’s what we just did:
- PICK the site
- PULL the caps off
- PLACE the white end of the Pen on the site
- And PRESS the plum-colored button
Now it’s time to clean up...
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
CHLOE: So, I mean, it’s not that bad.
HEIDI: It’s a tough injection, but it definitely is one that, um, we’ve mastered.
JACOB: I set an alarm on my computer and my phone...
[Text on Screen] Schedule reminder calls, email, or texts on or call 1.800.4HUMIRA
CHLOE: ...and it says in all caps “SHOT” with exclamation points. It makes it really easy.
TOM: If you have any questions, call your doctor. You can also call HUMIRA Complete at 1.800.4HUMIRA or your Nurse Ambassador. And you can always refer to this video to cover the basics. You’ve got this.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child's doctor.
[Text on Screen] Safety Considerations1
[Text on Screen] Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side effects including hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus, allergic reactions, nervous system problems, blood problems, heart failure, certain immune reactions including a lupus-like syndrome, liver problems, and new or worsening psoriasis.
[Text on Screen] You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.
[Text on Screen] Reference: 1. HUMIRA Injection [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
[Text on Screen] US-HUM-230472
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
Please see Important Safety Information near the end of this video.
Please see link for the full Prescribing Information, including the Medication Guide, for SKYRIZI.
SKYRIZI is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with:
- moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who may benefit from taking injections or pills (systemic therapy) or treatment using ultraviolet or UV light (phototherapy).
- active psoriatic arthritis (PsA).
- moderate to severe Crohn’s disease.
SKYRIZI may cause serious side effects, including:
- Serious allergic reactions: Stop using SKYRIZI and get emergency medical help right away if you get any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction.
- Infections: SKYRIZI may increase your risk of infections. Before starting treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor right away if you have an infection or symptoms of one.
Do not use SKYRIZI if you are allergic to risankizumab-rzaa or any of the ingredients in SKYRIZI.
- Also, tell your doctor if you plan to or recently received a vaccine.
SKYRIZI may cause serious side effects, including:
- Liver problems in Crohn’s disease: A person with Crohn’s disease who received SKYRIZI through a vein in the arm developed changes in liver blood tests with a rash that led to hospitalization. Your doctor will do liver blood tests before and during treatment and may stop treatment with SKYRIZI if you develop liver problems.
When I was prescribed SKYRIZI, I wasn’t totally sure what my co-pay and other costs would be. So I called Skyrizi Complete, and they connected me to an Insurance Specialist.
Since I have commercial insurance, they explained how I could get this Savings Card to help lower my out-of-pocket costs to as little as five dollars a dose. Five dollars—that’s less than this Chicken Lo Mein.
As little as $5 PER DOSE
*For eligible, commercially insured patients only. See Terms and Conditions at the end of this video. $5 per quarterly dose for SKYRIZI, and for each starting dose—Week 0 and Week 4.
Okay so, after I signed up for Skyrizi Complete, I requested a Savings Card on the Skyrizi Complete App.
Download the Skyrizi Complete App now. Open the App Store or Google Play and search “Skyrizi Complete”.
When the Specialty Pharmacy calls to process my prescription, I read them the number on the card.
Specialty Pharmacy
*For eligible, commercially insured patients only. See Terms and Conditions at the end of this video. $5 per quarterly dose for SKYRIZI, and for each starting dose—Week 0 and Week 4.
And after that, I just cover my five dollars cost. And if there’s an issue using your card, an Insurance Specialist can also work with your Specialty Pharmacy to make sure your savings go through.
If you don’t have a Savings Card yet, you can request one online or through the Complete App. And you can access it at any time.
Or just ask an Insurance Specialist—they can help you get one. And if you’re not eligible, they may be able to help find other options that could lower the cost you pay for SKYRIZI, too.
- The Complete App
- Talk to an Insurance Specialist
Download the Skyrizi Complete App now. Open the App Store or Google Play and search “Skyrizi Complete”.
Well, if you don’t have a Savings Card or aren’t able to use it, prescription rebates may be an option. Take a look at the Complete site or the App to find out about it.
Save with rebates
Submit rebates:
- On the Skyrizi Complete site
- Through the Complete App
- By mail
Look, sometimes things come up that can affect insurance. Like if I lost my job or my coverage changed. I can always call an Insurance Specialist.
You may qualify for myAbbVie Assist
They may be able to help find other ways to save.
So call an Insurance Specialist to see what you qualify for. They’re good about trying to make SKYRIZI affordable. That’s what I did and they were so helpful.
- Call Skyrizi Complete for an Insurance Specialist.
- Have them look up your current out-of-pocket costs
- Request a Skyrizi Complete Savings Card
- Give your Savings Card info when filling your prescription
- Ask the Specialist about other savings options
Don’t forget that there are a few things that you can do right now: Call Skyrizi Complete and ask for an Insurance Specialist. Have them look up your out-of-pocket costs. Then you’re gonna request a Savings card. And remember to use that card each time you fill your prescription. And if you’re unable to get a card, ask the Insurance Specialist about the other savings options that may be available.
Just give Skyrizi Complete a call at 1.866.SKYRIZI and speak with an Insurance Specialist.
What is the most important information I should know about SKYRIZI® (risankizumab-rzaa)?
SKYRIZI is a prescription medicine that may cause serious side effects, including:
Serious allergic reactions:
- Stop using SKYRIZI and get emergency medical help right away if you get any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction:
- fainting, dizziness, feeling lightheaded (low blood pressure)
- swelling of your face, eyelids, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat
- trouble breathing or throat tightness
- chest tightness
- skin rash, hives
- itching
SKYRIZI may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Your healthcare provider should check you for infections and tuberculosis (TB) before starting treatment with SKYRIZI and may treat you for TB before you begin treatment with SKYRIZI if you have a history of TB or have active TB. Your healthcare provider should watch you closely for signs and symptoms of TB during and after treatment with SKYRIZI.
- Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have an infection or have symptoms of an infection, including:
- fever, sweats, or chills
- cough
- shortness of breath
- blood in your mucus (phlegm)
- muscle aches
- warm, red, or painful skin or sores on your body different from your psoriasis
- weight loss
- diarrhea or stomach pain
- burning when you urinate or urinating more often than normal
Do not use SKYRIZI if you are allergic to risankizumab-rzaa or any of the ingredients in SKYRIZI. See the Medication Guide or Consumer Brief Summary for a complete list of ingredients.
Before using SKYRIZI, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:
- have any of the conditions or symptoms listed in the section “What is the most important information I should know about SKYRIZI?”
- have an infection that does not go away or that keeps coming back.
- have TB or have been in close contact with someone with TB.
- have recently received or are scheduled to receive an immunization (vaccine). Medicines that interact with the immune system may increase your risk of getting an infection after receiving live vaccines. You should avoid receiving live vaccines right before, during, or right after treatment with SKYRIZI. Tell your healthcare provider that you are taking SKYRIZI before receiving a vaccine.
- are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if SKYRIZI can harm your unborn baby.
- are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if SKYRIZI passes into your breast milk.
- become pregnant while taking SKYRIZI. You are encouraged to enroll in the Pregnancy Registry, which is used to collect information about the health of you and your baby. Talk to your healthcare provider or call 1-877-302-2161 to enroll in this registry.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
What are the possible side effects of SKYRIZI?
SKYRIZI may cause serious side effects. See “What is the most important information I should know about SKYRIZI?”
Liver problems in Crohn’s disease: A person with Crohn’s disease who received SKYRIZI through a vein in the arm developed changes in liver blood tests with a rash that led to hospitalization. Your healthcare provider will do blood tests to check your liver before, during, and up to 12 weeks of treatment and may stop treatment with SKYRIZI if you develop liver problems. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you notice any of the following symptoms: unexplained rash, nausea, vomiting, stomach (abdominal) pain, tiredness (fatigue), loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), and dark urine.
The most common side effects of SKYRIZI in people treated for Crohn’s disease include: upper respiratory infections, headache, joint pain, stomach (abdominal) pain, injection site reactions, low red blood cells (anemia), fever, back pain, and urinary tract infection.
The most common side effects of SKYRIZI in people treated for plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis include: upper respiratory infections, headache, feeling tired, injection site reactions, and fungal skin infections.
These are not all the possible side effects of SKYRIZI. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects
Use SKYRIZI exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to use it.
SKYRIZI is available in a 150 mg/mL prefilled syringe and pen, a 600 mg/10 mL vial for intravenous infusion, and a 180 mg/1.2 mL or 360 mg/2.4 mL single-dose prefilled cartridge with on-body injector.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more
Reference: 1. SKYRIZI [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
Skyrizi Complete Savings Card Terms & Conditions
Eligibility: Available to patients with commercial insurance coverage for SKYRIZI® (risankizumab-rzaa) who meet eligibility criteria. This co-pay assistance program is not available to patients receiving prescription reimbursement under any federal, state, or government-funded insurance programs (for example, Medicare [including Part D], Medicare Advantage, Medigap, Medicaid, TRICARE, Department of Defense, or Veterans Affairs programs) or where prohibited by law. Offer subject to change or termination without notice. Restrictions, including monthly maximums, may apply. This is not health insurance. For full Terms and Conditions, visit or call 1.866.SKYRIZI for additional information. For full Terms and Conditions for SKYRIZI Crohn's Disease patients, visit or call 1.866.SKYRIZI for additional information. To learn about AbbVie’s privacy practices and your privacy choices, visit
Please see link for the full Prescribing Information, including the Medication Guide, for SKYRIZI.
©2023 AbbVie. All rights reserved. SKYRIZI® and its design are registered trademarks of AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd.

Helpful injection tips
- Your HUMIRA Pen should be stored in its original carton in a refrigerator (36°F to 46°F) until you are ready to use it. Full storage instructions are available in the Medication Guide.
- If more comfortable, take your HUMIRA Pen out of the refrigerator 15 to 30 minutes before injecting to allow the liquid to reach room temperature. Do not warm HUMIRA in any other way (for example, do not warm it in a microwave or in hot water).
- Do not use if the liquid is cloudy or discolored or has flakes or particles in it.
- Keep HUMIRA, injection supplies, and all other medicines out of the reach of children.
When using the HUMIRA Pen:
- Do not remove the gray or the plum-colored caps until right before your injection.
- When the plum-colored button on the HUMIRA Pen is pressed to give your dose of HUMIRA, you will hear a loud “click.” ▶ The loud “click” means the injection has started.
- Injection is complete when the yellow indicator fully appears in the window view and stops moving.
These are not complete injection instructions. Full injection instructions are available in the Instructions for Use, located inside your HUMIRA carton, and included in the Full Prescribing Information. For injection assistance, call 1.800.4HUMIRA (1.800.448.6472).

If you miss a dose:
- Inject a dose as soon as you remember
- Then, take your next dose at your regular scheduled time
- Call your doctor or pharmacist if are not sure when to inject HUMIRA

Adult Syringe

Child Injection Syringe
[Text on Screen and Spoken] This demonstration video offers you help and guidance for injecting with the HUMIRA® prefilled syringe. Watch it and read the entire Patient Instructions for Use found in your HUMIRA package. Don’t try to inject HUMIRA yourself until your doctor has decided you can, and you’ve been shown the right way to give injections.
Throughout this video, you will hear from actual patients. Individual experiences may vary.
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your doctor.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo and HUMIRA Complete logo
JANET: Hi, how are you? I’m Janet. And I know that there are a million things you’d rather be doing right now than learning about injecting your medication...I get it. Before we start, I want you to know that there are a lot more ways HUMIRA Complete can help you out than with this video. Because, well, let’s be real...there’s more to making HUMIRA a routine part of your life than just learning how to inject.
If you are concerned about being able to afford your medication, or have questions about insurance, or are wondering how you can do this on your own, HUMIRA Complete can help get you the answers you need when you need them. You even have a dedicated Nurse Ambassador available to you. Whether you are just starting or have been taking it awhile, HUMIRA Complete is there for you.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Request a HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* at 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] *Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
Everyone has a different perspective about injecting, and throughout this video, you will hear from some actual patients.
LINDSEY: I was very hesitant; my first thought was “you’ve been terrified of needles since you were a child.”
STEVEN: Obviously it involves a little bit more than just taking a pill and what it would feel like.
DANAY: It’s okay to be nervous. It’s okay to feel nervous. But, if this is something that’s gonna help me continue to move forward, why not give it a try?
LAURA: Luckily, my Nurse Ambassador—she was awesome. So she came and she really was patient, took her time with me.
MICHAEL: They have been very good about calling and keeping up with what’s going on.
JANET: So, let’s clear some things up. Ready? Let’s do this.
First, wash your hands and get the things you need. And settle in a place where you feel relaxed.
[Text on Screen] Store HUMIRA in the refrigerator until time of use.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed. Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
If it’s more comfortable for you, take your HUMIRA out of the fridge and leave it at room temp 15 to 30 minutes before you inject.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight.
LAURA: Like I think having the routine in the beginning until I was comfortable made a lot of sense for me.
LINDSEY: I lay everything out, I plan which side I’m going to inject, and I think the process actually calms me down.
DANAY: I knew that one day I’m gonna have to do it on my own, so I just sucked it up and I did it.
JANET: There’s an alcohol swab that’s included inside the package, a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), and, of course, the HUMIRA prefilled syringe.
[Text on Screen] Cotton ball not included in the package.
[Text on Screen] You will also need a puncture-resistant container with lid to dispose of used sharps.
Now check the syringe. Holding the syringe with the needle pointing down, make sure the liquid is clear and colorless. If the liquid is cloudy, has an unusual color...or has flakes or specks in it, you shouldn’t use it. Use another syringe in the fridge if you have one and call your pharmacy. If you see a few bubbles, no problem. And be sure to check the medicine’s expiration date. So far, so good?
You can find what we’re about to cover inside the package. I’ll break this down into 4 simple steps...Let’s call them the “4 Ps.”
- PICK the injection site
- PREPARE the syringe
- PINCH the skin
- And PUSH the plunger in
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
To pick your site, rotate each time at least 1 inch from the previous injection site; you can inject in the right or left thigh or on your stomach.
[Text on Screen] Injectable Areas
[Text on Screen] A new injection should be at least 1 inch away from the site you chose the time before.
[Text on Screen] 2 inches
If you choose the lower stomach area, make sure it’s at least 2 inches away from your belly button.
Clean the site with an alcohol swab.
You shouldn’t inject through clothing. And don’t inject into any skin that doesn’t look normal.
[Text on Screen] Do not inject into skin that is sore, bruised, red, hard, scarred, raised, thick, has scaly patches, lesions, or stretch marks.
JANET: Gently pull the gray cover off, being careful not to let the needle touch your fingers or anything else. Now, turn the syringe so that the needle is facing up, holding it eye level with one hand, using your other hand to slowly push the plunger to push out any air in the needle. If you see a small drop of liquid at the tip of the needle, that’s totally normal. Okay, you’re just about ready to inject. If you’re still a little nervous...I totally get it.
DANAY: Try to think about something else, like TV or something to distract you.
STEVEN: Just listen to your favorite music.
LAURA: Honestly, and remembering to breathe. That’s huge!
DANAY: Take a deep breath in...
STEVEN: And then exhale.
DANAY: And I just did it, one two three and it was over!
[Text on Screen] PINCH THE SKIN
JANET: For this demonstration, I’ll be using a practice pad. Hold the body of the syringe between your thumb and index finger, like you’re holding a pencil. With your free hand, gently pinch the area of skin that you’ve cleaned and hold it firmly.
[Text on Screen] For demonstration purposes, we will be using a practice pad. Practice pad not included in package and should not be used during an actual injection.
[Text on Screen] PUSH THE PLUNGER IN
Hold the syringe at a 45° angle, and with a quick, dart-like motion, insert the needle into the pinched skin. Once the needle is in, let go of the pinched skin and pull back gently on the plunger. There is no requirement to pull back on the plunger if the HUMIRA you received is in a blue box.
[Text on Screen] 45°
[Text on Screen] There is no requirement to pull back on the plunger if the HUMIRA you received is in a blue box.
If the syringe is clear, continue injecting. But if you were to see any blood in the syringe, it would mean you’ve entered a blood vessel, and you should stop injecting. If this is the case, pull the needle out and throw the syringe in the sharps container right away. And start over with a new syringe if you have one. If not, call your pharmacy. Slowly push the plunger all the way in until all the liquid is injected. You may actually feel the medicine going in. Don’t let it startle you.
Now that the syringe is empty, keep the syringe at the same angle, and pull the needle out of the skin.
Be careful not to touch the needle. No need to put the cap back on the syringe.
[Text on Screen] There may be pain, redness, rash, swelling, itching, or bruising. If it doesn’t go away within a few days or gets worse, call your doctor right away.
And immediately drop it into the sharps container.
[Text on Screen] Do not touch the needle
Instead of rubbing the site, gently press a cotton ball (or gauze) for 10 seconds. There may be a small amount of fluid or a drop of blood...which is totally normal.
STEVEN: It definitely hurt less than I had imagined it.
LAURA: All those nerves I had in the beginning, now it’s kind of almost nothing.
JANET: In a nutshell, here’s what we just did:
- PICK the site
- PREPARE the syringe
- PINCH the skin
- And PUSH the plunger in
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
LINDSEY: I made it through it.
MICHAEL: You just have to get over that fear.
DANAY: I have confidence, I know what I’m doing, I’m a pro, that’s what it is—I’m a pro!
STEVEN: The HUMIRA Complete App, it keeps on a 2-week schedule.
[Text on Screen] Get it in the App Store or Google Play
[Text on Screen] Search HUMIRA Complete
LAURA: It gave me every tool that I need to understand what I’m doing and how to do it.
MICHAEL: They will text that I’ve got an injection coming up.
[Text on Screen] Schedule reminder calls, email, or texts on or call 1.800.4HUMIRA
DANAY: It feels great to be able to be in control of my own medicine.
LINDSEY: I completely own this disease, as well as my own health.
JANET: If you have any questions, call your doctor. You can also call HUMIRA Complete at 1.800.4HUMIRA or your Nurse Ambassador. And you can always refer to this video to cover the basics. You’ve got this.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your doctor.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen] Safety Considerations1
[Text on Screen] Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side effects including hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus, allergic reactions, nervous system problems, blood problems, heart failure, certain immune reactions including a lupus-like syndrome, liver problems, and new or worsening psoriasis.
[Text on Screen] You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.
[Text on Screen] Reference: 1. HUMIRA Injection [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
[Text on Screen] US-HUM-230468
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen and Spoken] This demonstration video offers you help and guidance for injecting with the HUMIRA® prefilled syringe. Watch it and read the entire Patient Instructions for Use found in your HUMIRA package. Don’t try to inject HUMIRA yourself until your doctor has decided you can, and you’ve been shown the right way to give injections.
Throughout this video, you will hear from actual patients. Individual experiences may vary.
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child’s doctor.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo and HUMIRA Complete logo
TOM: Welcome and thanks for joining us. I’m Tom, also known as Dad, and this is my daughter, Jessica.
TOM: And we’re here to talk about how to take HUMIRA. I know, injecting your child probably isn’t anyone’s favorite subject, but it’s an important one. I get it. So, together with Jessica here, we’re going to help you learn how to properly inject. Before we start, I want you to know that there are a lot more ways HUMIRA Complete can help you out than this video. Because there’s more to making HUMIRA a routine part of your lives than making sure you’re giving your child their medication correctly, right? So, if you’re concerned about being able to afford your child’s medication, or have questions about insurance, or are wondering how you can do this on your own, HUMIRA Complete can help you get the answers you need, when you need them. You even have a dedicated Nurse Ambassador available to you.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Request a HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* at 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] *Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
So, whether you are just starting or have been taking it for a while, HUMIRA Complete is here for you. Everyone has a different perspective about injecting, and throughout this video, you’ll hear some of them.
VICTORIA: I like dancing, I like science class.
JACOB: I really like sports. I’ve been in them almost all my life.
CHLOE: The first time I was injected, it was really hard. I was so scared. I felt like they were almost more nervous than me, and I guess it helps that I wasn’t administering the shot yet.
HEIDI: Right from the start, he felt like he wanted to own it himself.
MARK: It’s hard to have to do it, and I mean, she’s just so strong.
VICTORIA: Oh don’t you start crying! Mom...
TOM: Obviously, it isn’t the easiest thing for your kid—or for you. So, after giving your child their medication, you might want to celebrate a little on injection day. You know, something fun you both like to do.
VICTORIA: My dad likes to make jokes about it sometimes. He’s like “Yes, HUMIRA Thursday!”
ERIC: Totally like OK, way to go, knuckle bump, alright, let’s get on with our evening and move on with our normal life.
VICTORIA: Then I’ll just go do whatever like, go on my phone, or watch TV, or go to dance.
TOM: Are you ready?
TOM: Alright, let’s do this.
You can find what we’re about to cover inside the package. I’ll break this down into 4 simple steps. Let’s call them the “4Ps.”
- PICK the site
- PREPARE the syringe
- PINCH the skin
- And PUSH the plunger in
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
So, let’s get started.
[Text on Screen] Store HUMIRA in the refrigerator until time of use.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
First, wash your hands and get the things you need. And settle in a place where you feel relaxed. If it’s more comfortable for your child, take the HUMIRA out of the fridge and leave it at room temp for 15 to 30 minutes before you inject. You might want to do all the prep stuff while your kid is in another room.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight.
CHLOE: I’ll go downstairs and my mom will have set my shot out from the fridge.
VICTORIA: I sit in, like, the same chair, the same way, like, every time. My dad does the injection, and my mom, she used to, like, hold my hand. Now I just use, like, my sister’s, like, squishy little toy.
JACOB: I would often take some sour candies. It was just a distraction.
MARK: I tend to joke with her a lot and ease the situation. It made it a lot better for her.
TOM: There’s an alcohol swab that’s included inside the package, a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad) and, of course, the HUMIRA prefilled syringe.
[Text on Screen] Cotton ball not included in the package.
[Text on Screen] You will also need a puncture-resistant container with lid to dispose of used syringes.
Now check the syringe. Holding it with the needle pointing down, make sure the liquid is clear and colorless. If the liquid is cloudy, has an unusual color, or has flakes or specks in it, you shouldn’t use it.
Use another syringe in the fridge if you have one and call your pharmacy.If you see a few bubbles, no problem.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
And be sure to check your medicine’s expiration date.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
So, have we missed anything, Jess?
JESSICA: Nope, so far so good, Dad.
TOM: To choose the injection site, rotate each time at least 1 inch from the previous injection site, and you can inject in the right or left thigh and on your stomach.
[Text on Screen] Injectable Areas
[Text on Screen] A new injection should be at least 1 inch away from the site you chose the time before
If you’re choosing the belly area, be sure it’s at least 2 inches away from the belly button. But for now, we will show you using the left thigh.
[Text on Screen] 2 inches
Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab. You shouldn’t inject through clothing. And, don’t inject into skin that doesn’t look normal.
[Text on Screen] Do not inject into skin that is sore, bruised, red, hard, scarred, raised, thick, has scaly patches, lesions, or stretch marks.
Gently pull the needle cover off, being careful not to let the needle touch your fingers or anything else. Now, turn the syringe so that the needle is facing up. Holding it eye-level with one hand, using your other hand to slowly push the plunger to push out any air in the needle. If you see a small drop of liquid at the tip of the needle, that’s totally normal. Now, you’re just about ready to inject.
CHLOE: Yeah, you kinda have to psych yourself up for it.
VICTORIA: Breathe in, breathe out.
[Text on Screen] PINCH THE SKIN
TOM: You may want to come up with something that helps your child think about something else, like reciting a countdown or a catchphrase.
VICTORIA: My dad does 3, 2, 1...
CHLOE: You’re almost there, Chloe. You’re almost there, and then you’re done for 2 weeks.
TOM:Hold the body of the syringe between your thumb and index finger, like you’re holding a pencil. Don’t pull back on the plunger at all yet.
With your other hand, gently pinch the area of skin that you’ve cleaned and hold it firmly.
For this demonstration, we’re using a practice pad.
[Text on Screen] For demonstration purposes, we will be using a practice pad. Practice pad not included in package and should not be used during an actual injection.
TOM: Now, hold the syringe at a 45° angle. And, with a quick dart-like motion, insert the needle into the skin.
[Text on Screen] 45°
Once the needle is in, let go of the pinched skin and pull gently back on the plunger.
[Text on Screen] There is no requirement to pull back on the plunger if the HUMIRA you received is in a blue box.
TOM: There is no requirement to pull back on the plunger if the HUMIRA you received is in a blue box.
If the syringe is clear, continue injecting. But if you see any blood in the syringe, it means you’ve entered a blood vessel, and you should stop injecting. If that’s the case, pull the needle out and throw the syringe in a sharps container right away. And start over with a new syringe if you have one. If not, call your pharmacy.
[Text on Screen] PUSH THE PLUNGER IN.
Slowly push the plunger all the way in until all the liquid is injected. Your child may actually feel the medicine going in—don’t let it startle either of you.
Now that the syringe is empty, keep the syringe at the same angle and pull the needle out of the skin. OK, we’re almost done here!
Again, be careful not to touch the needle and drop it into the sharps container immediately. No need to put the cap back on the syringe.
[Text on Screen] Do not touch the needle.
Gently press the injection site with a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), instead of rubbing it, for 10 seconds. You might see a small amount of fluid or a drop of blood—that’s totally normal.
[Text on Screen] There may be pain, redness, rash, swelling, itching, or bruising. If it doesn’t go away within a few days or gets worse, call your child’s doctor right away.
In a nutshell, here’s what we just did:
- PICK the site
- PREPARE the syringe
- PINCH the skin
- And PUSH the plunger in
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
TOM: Now it’s time to clean up.
CHLOE: So, I mean, it’s not that bad.
HEIDI: It’s a tough injection, but it definitely is one that we’ve mastered.
JACOB: I set an alarm on my computer and my phone...
[Text on Screen] Schedule reminder calls, email, or texts on or call 1.800.4HUMIRA
CHLOE:...and it says in all caps “SHOT” with exclamation points. It makes it really easy.
TOM: If you have any questions, call your doctor. You can also call HUMIRA Complete at 1.800.4HUMIRA or your Nurse Ambassador. And you can always refer to this video to cover the basics. You’ve got this.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child’s doctor.
[Text on Screen] Safety Considerations1
[Text on Screen] Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side effects including hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus, allergic reactions, nervous system problems, blood problems, heart failure, certain immune reactions including a lupus-like syndrome, liver problems, and new or worsening psoriasis.
[Text on Screen] You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.
[Text on Screen] Reference: 1. HUMIRA Injection [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
[Text on Screen] US-HUM-230473
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
[Text on Screen and Spoken] This demonstration video offers you help and guidance for injecting with the HUMIRA® prefilled syringe. Watch it and read the entire Patient Instructions for Use found in your HUMIRA package. Don’t try to inject HUMIRA yourself until your doctor has decided you can, and you’ve been shown the right way to give injections.
Throughout this video, you will hear from actual patients. Individual experiences may vary.
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child’s doctor.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo and HUMIRA Complete logo
TOM: Welcome and thanks for joining us. I’m Tom, also known as Dad, and this is my daughter, Jessica.
TOM: And we’re here to talk about how to take HUMIRA. I know, injecting your child probably isn’t anyone’s favorite subject, but it’s an important one. I get it. So, together with Jessica here, we’re going to help you learn how to properly inject. Before we start, I want you to know that there are a lot more ways HUMIRA Complete can help you out than this video. Because there’s more to making HUMIRA a routine part of your lives than making sure you’re giving your child their medication correctly, right? So, if you’re concerned about being able to afford your child’s medication, or have questions about insurance, or are wondering how you can do this on your own, HUMIRA Complete can help you get the answers you need, when you need them. You even have a dedicated Nurse Ambassador available to you.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Request a HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* at 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] *Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
So, whether you are just starting or have been taking it for a while, HUMIRA Complete is here for you. Everyone has a different perspective about injecting, and throughout this video, you’ll hear some of them.
VICTORIA: I like dancing, I like science class.
JACOB: I really like sports. I’ve been in them almost all my life.
CHLOE: The first time I was injected, it was really hard. I was so scared. I felt like they were almost more nervous than me, and I guess it helps that I wasn’t administering the shot yet.
HEIDI: Right from the start, he felt like he wanted to own it himself.
MARK: It’s hard to have to do it, and I mean, she’s just so strong.
VICTORIA: Oh don’t you start crying! Mom...
TOM: Obviously, it isn’t the easiest thing for your kid—or for you. So, after giving your child their medication, you might want to celebrate a little on injection day. You know, something fun you both like to do.
VICTORIA: My dad likes to make jokes about it sometimes. He’s like “Yes, HUMIRA Thursday!”
ERIC: Totally like OK, way to go, knuckle bump, alright, let’s get on with our evening and move on with our normal life.
VICTORIA: Then I’ll just go do whatever like, go on my phone, or watch TV, or go to dance.
TOM: Are you ready?
TOM: Alright, let’s do this.
You can find what we’re about to cover inside the package. I’ll break this down into 4 simple steps. Let’s call them the “4Ps.”
- PICK the site
- PREPARE the syringe
- PINCH the skin
- And PUSH the plunger in
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
So, let’s get started.
[Text on Screen] Store HUMIRA in the refrigerator until time of use.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
First, wash your hands and get the things you need. And settle in a place where you feel relaxed. If it’s more comfortable for your child, take the HUMIRA out of the fridge and leave it at room temp for 15 to 30 minutes before you inject. You might want to do all the prep stuff while your kid is in another room.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight.
CHLOE: I’ll go downstairs and my mom will have set my shot out from the fridge.
VICTORIA: I sit in, like, the same chair, the same way, like, every time. My dad does the injection, and my mom, she used to, like, hold my hand. Now I just use, like, my sister’s, like, squishy little toy.
JACOB: I would often take some sour candies. It was just a distraction.
MARK: I tend to joke with her a lot and ease the situation. It made it a lot better for her.
TOM: There’s an alcohol swab that’s included inside the package, a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad) and, of course, the HUMIRA prefilled syringe.
[Text on Screen] Cotton ball not included in the package.
[Text on Screen] You will also need a puncture-resistant container with lid to dispose of used syringes.
Now check the syringe. Holding it with the needle pointing down, make sure the liquid is clear and colorless. If the liquid is cloudy, has an unusual color, or has flakes or specks in it, you shouldn’t use it.
Use another syringe in the fridge if you have one and call your pharmacy.If you see a few bubbles, no problem.
[Text on Screen] Do not use HUMIRA if frozen, even if it has been thawed.
And be sure to check your medicine’s expiration date.
[Text on Screen] Do not use if the medicine has passed the expiration date.
So, have we missed anything, Jess?
JESSICA: Nope, so far so good, Dad.
TOM: To choose the injection site, rotate each time at least 1 inch from the previous injection site, and you can inject in the right or left thigh and on your stomach.
[Text on Screen] Injectable Areas
[Text on Screen] A new injection should be at least 1 inch away from the site you chose the time before
If you’re choosing the belly area, be sure it’s at least 2 inches away from the belly button. But for now, we will show you using the left thigh.
[Text on Screen] 2 inches
Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab. You shouldn’t inject through clothing. And, don’t inject into skin that doesn’t look normal.
[Text on Screen] Do not inject into skin that is sore, bruised, red, hard, scarred, raised, thick, has scaly patches, lesions, or stretch marks.
Gently pull the needle cover off, being careful not to let the needle touch your fingers or anything else. Now, turn the syringe so that the needle is facing up. Holding it eye-level with one hand, using your other hand to slowly push the plunger to push out any air in the needle. If you see a small drop of liquid at the tip of the needle, that’s totally normal. Now, you’re just about ready to inject.
CHLOE: Yeah, you kinda have to psych yourself up for it.
VICTORIA: Breathe in, breathe out.
[Text on Screen] PINCH THE SKIN
TOM: You may want to come up with something that helps your child think about something else, like reciting a countdown or a catchphrase.
VICTORIA: My dad does 3, 2, 1...
CHLOE: You’re almost there, Chloe. You’re almost there, and then you’re done for 2 weeks.
TOM:Hold the body of the syringe between your thumb and index finger, like you’re holding a pencil. Don’t pull back on the plunger at all yet.
With your other hand, gently pinch the area of skin that you’ve cleaned and hold it firmly.
For this demonstration, we’re using a practice pad.
[Text on Screen] For demonstration purposes, we will be using a practice pad. Practice pad not included in package and should not be used during an actual injection.
TOM: Now, hold the syringe at a 45° angle. And, with a quick dart-like motion, insert the needle into the skin.
[Text on Screen] 45°
Once the needle is in, let go of the pinched skin and pull gently back on the plunger.
[Text on Screen] There is no requirement to pull back on the plunger if the HUMIRA you received is in a blue box.
TOM: There is no requirement to pull back on the plunger if the HUMIRA you received is in a blue box.
If the syringe is clear, continue injecting. But if you see any blood in the syringe, it means you’ve entered a blood vessel, and you should stop injecting. If that’s the case, pull the needle out and throw the syringe in a sharps container right away. And start over with a new syringe if you have one. If not, call your pharmacy.
[Text on Screen] PUSH THE PLUNGER IN.
Slowly push the plunger all the way in until all the liquid is injected. Your child may actually feel the medicine going in—don’t let it startle either of you.
Now that the syringe is empty, keep the syringe at the same angle and pull the needle out of the skin. OK, we’re almost done here!
Again, be careful not to touch the needle and drop it into the sharps container immediately. No need to put the cap back on the syringe.
[Text on Screen] Do not touch the needle.
Gently press the injection site with a cotton ball (you can also use a gauze pad), instead of rubbing it, for 10 seconds. You might see a small amount of fluid or a drop of blood—that’s totally normal.
[Text on Screen] There may be pain, redness, rash, swelling, itching, or bruising. If it doesn’t go away within a few days or gets worse, call your child’s doctor right away.
In a nutshell, here’s what we just did:
- PICK the site
- PREPARE the syringe
- PINCH the skin
- And PUSH the plunger in
[Text on Screen] 4Ps
TOM: Now it’s time to clean up.
CHLOE: So, I mean, it’s not that bad.
HEIDI: It’s a tough injection, but it definitely is one that we’ve mastered.
JACOB: I set an alarm on my computer and my phone...
[Text on Screen] Schedule reminder calls, email, or texts on or call 1.800.4HUMIRA
CHLOE:...and it says in all caps “SHOT” with exclamation points. It makes it really easy.
TOM: If you have any questions, call your doctor. You can also call HUMIRA Complete at 1.800.4HUMIRA or your Nurse Ambassador. And you can always refer to this video to cover the basics. You’ve got this.
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] Call 1.800.4HUMIRA
[Text on Screen] Please see Important Safety Information within the website. Please see link for full Prescribing Information, including Medication Guide and Instructions for Use, and discuss with your child’s doctor.
[Text on Screen] Safety Considerations1
[Text on Screen] Serious infections have happened in people taking HUMIRA. These serious infections include tuberculosis (TB) and infections caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria that have spread throughout the body. Some people have died from these infections. HUMIRA may increase the chance of getting lymphoma, including a rare kind, or other cancers. HUMIRA can cause serious side effects including hepatitis B infection in carriers of the virus, allergic reactions, nervous system problems, blood problems, heart failure, certain immune reactions including a lupus-like syndrome, liver problems, and new or worsening psoriasis.
[Text on Screen] You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088. If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more.
[Text on Screen] Reference: 1. HUMIRA Injection [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
[Text on Screen] US-HUM-230473
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA Complete logo
[Text on Screen] HUMIRA logo
Please see Important Safety Information near the end of this video.
Please see link for the full Prescribing Information, including the Medication Guide, for SKYRIZI.
SKYRIZI is a prescription medicine used to treat adults with:
- moderate to severe plaque psoriasis who may benefit from taking injections or pills (systemic therapy) or treatment using ultraviolet or UV light (phototherapy).
- active psoriatic arthritis (PsA).
- moderate to severe Crohn’s disease.
SKYRIZI may cause serious side effects, including:
- Serious allergic reactions: Stop using SKYRIZI and get emergency medical help right away if you get any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction.
- Infections: SKYRIZI may increase your risk of infections. Before starting treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor right away if you have an infection or symptoms of one.
Do not use SKYRIZI if you are allergic to risankizumab-rzaa or any of the ingredients in SKYRIZI.
- Also, tell your doctor if you plan to or recently received a vaccine.
SKYRIZI may cause serious side effects, including:
- Liver problems in Crohn’s disease: A person with Crohn’s disease who received SKYRIZI through a vein in the arm developed changes in liver blood tests with a rash that led to hospitalization. Your doctor will do liver blood tests before and during treatment and may stop treatment with SKYRIZI if you develop liver problems.
When I was prescribed SKYRIZI, I wasn’t totally sure what my co-pay and other costs would be. So I called Skyrizi Complete, and they connected me to an Insurance Specialist.
Since I have commercial insurance, they explained how I could get this Savings Card to help lower my out-of-pocket costs to as little as five dollars a dose. Five dollars—that’s less than this Chicken Lo Mein.
As little as $5 PER DOSE
*For eligible, commercially insured patients only. See Terms and Conditions at the end of this video. $5 per quarterly dose for SKYRIZI, and for each starting dose—Week 0 and Week 4.
Okay so, after I signed up for Skyrizi Complete, I requested a Savings Card on the Skyrizi Complete App.
Download the Skyrizi Complete App now. Open the App Store or Google Play and search “Skyrizi Complete”.
When the Specialty Pharmacy calls to process my prescription, I read them the number on the card.
Specialty Pharmacy
*For eligible, commercially insured patients only. See Terms and Conditions at the end of this video. $5 per quarterly dose for SKYRIZI, and for each starting dose—Week 0 and Week 4.
And after that, I just cover my five dollars cost. And if there’s an issue using your card, an Insurance Specialist can also work with your Specialty Pharmacy to make sure your savings go through.
If you don’t have a Savings Card yet, you can request one online or through the Complete App. And you can access it at any time.
Or just ask an Insurance Specialist—they can help you get one. And if you’re not eligible, they may be able to help find other options that could lower the cost you pay for SKYRIZI, too.
- The Complete App
- Talk to an Insurance Specialist
Download the Skyrizi Complete App now. Open the App Store or Google Play and search “Skyrizi Complete”.
Well, if you don’t have a Savings Card or aren’t able to use it, prescription rebates may be an option. Take a look at the Complete site or the App to find out about it.
Save with rebates
Submit rebates:
- On the Skyrizi Complete site
- Through the Complete App
- By mail
Look, sometimes things come up that can affect insurance. Like if I lost my job or my coverage changed. I can always call an Insurance Specialist.
You may qualify for myAbbVie Assist
They may be able to help find other ways to save.
So call an Insurance Specialist to see what you qualify for. They’re good about trying to make SKYRIZI affordable. That’s what I did and they were so helpful.
- Call Skyrizi Complete for an Insurance Specialist.
- Have them look up your current out-of-pocket costs
- Request a Skyrizi Complete Savings Card
- Give your Savings Card info when filling your prescription
- Ask the Specialist about other savings options
Don’t forget that there are a few things that you can do right now: Call Skyrizi Complete and ask for an Insurance Specialist. Have them look up your out-of-pocket costs. Then you’re gonna request a Savings card. And remember to use that card each time you fill your prescription. And if you’re unable to get a card, ask the Insurance Specialist about the other savings options that may be available.
Just give Skyrizi Complete a call at 1.866.SKYRIZI and speak with an Insurance Specialist.
What is the most important information I should know about SKYRIZI® (risankizumab-rzaa)?
SKYRIZI is a prescription medicine that may cause serious side effects, including:
Serious allergic reactions:
- Stop using SKYRIZI and get emergency medical help right away if you get any of the following symptoms of a serious allergic reaction:
- fainting, dizziness, feeling lightheaded (low blood pressure)
- swelling of your face, eyelids, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat
- trouble breathing or throat tightness
- chest tightness
- skin rash, hives
- itching
SKYRIZI may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. Your healthcare provider should check you for infections and tuberculosis (TB) before starting treatment with SKYRIZI and may treat you for TB before you begin treatment with SKYRIZI if you have a history of TB or have active TB. Your healthcare provider should watch you closely for signs and symptoms of TB during and after treatment with SKYRIZI.
- Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have an infection or have symptoms of an infection, including:
- fever, sweats, or chills
- cough
- shortness of breath
- blood in your mucus (phlegm)
- muscle aches
- warm, red, or painful skin or sores on your body different from your psoriasis
- weight loss
- diarrhea or stomach pain
- burning when you urinate or urinating more often than normal
Do not use SKYRIZI if you are allergic to risankizumab-rzaa or any of the ingredients in SKYRIZI. See the Medication Guide or Consumer Brief Summary for a complete list of ingredients.
Before using SKYRIZI, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:
- have any of the conditions or symptoms listed in the section “What is the most important information I should know about SKYRIZI?”
- have an infection that does not go away or that keeps coming back.
- have TB or have been in close contact with someone with TB.
- have recently received or are scheduled to receive an immunization (vaccine). Medicines that interact with the immune system may increase your risk of getting an infection after receiving live vaccines. You should avoid receiving live vaccines right before, during, or right after treatment with SKYRIZI. Tell your healthcare provider that you are taking SKYRIZI before receiving a vaccine.
- are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if SKYRIZI can harm your unborn baby.
- are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if SKYRIZI passes into your breast milk.
- become pregnant while taking SKYRIZI. You are encouraged to enroll in the Pregnancy Registry, which is used to collect information about the health of you and your baby. Talk to your healthcare provider or call 1-877-302-2161 to enroll in this registry.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
What are the possible side effects of SKYRIZI?
SKYRIZI may cause serious side effects. See “What is the most important information I should know about SKYRIZI?”
Liver problems in Crohn’s disease: A person with Crohn’s disease who received SKYRIZI through a vein in the arm developed changes in liver blood tests with a rash that led to hospitalization. Your healthcare provider will do blood tests to check your liver before, during, and up to 12 weeks of treatment and may stop treatment with SKYRIZI if you develop liver problems. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you notice any of the following symptoms: unexplained rash, nausea, vomiting, stomach (abdominal) pain, tiredness (fatigue), loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), and dark urine.
The most common side effects of SKYRIZI in people treated for Crohn’s disease include: upper respiratory infections, headache, joint pain, stomach (abdominal) pain, injection site reactions, low red blood cells (anemia), fever, back pain, and urinary tract infection.
The most common side effects of SKYRIZI in people treated for plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis include: upper respiratory infections, headache, feeling tired, injection site reactions, and fungal skin infections.
These are not all the possible side effects of SKYRIZI. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects
Use SKYRIZI exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to use it.
SKYRIZI is available in a 150 mg/mL prefilled syringe and pen, a 600 mg/10 mL vial for intravenous infusion, and a 180 mg/1.2 mL or 360 mg/2.4 mL single-dose prefilled cartridge with on-body injector.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
If you are having difficulty paying for your medicine, AbbVie may be able to help. Visit to learn more
Reference: 1. SKYRIZI [package insert]. North Chicago, IL: AbbVie Inc.
Skyrizi Complete Savings Card Terms & Conditions
Eligibility: Available to patients with commercial insurance coverage for SKYRIZI® (risankizumab-rzaa) who meet eligibility criteria. This co-pay assistance program is not available to patients receiving prescription reimbursement under any federal, state, or government-funded insurance programs (for example, Medicare [including Part D], Medicare Advantage, Medigap, Medicaid, TRICARE, Department of Defense, or Veterans Affairs programs) or where prohibited by law. Offer subject to change or termination without notice. Restrictions, including monthly maximums, may apply. This is not health insurance. For full Terms and Conditions, visit or call 1.866.SKYRIZI for additional information. For full Terms and Conditions for SKYRIZI Crohn's Disease patients, visit or call 1.866.SKYRIZI for additional information. To learn about AbbVie’s privacy practices and your privacy choices, visit
Please see link for the full Prescribing Information, including the Medication Guide, for SKYRIZI.
©2023 AbbVie. All rights reserved. SKYRIZI® and its design are registered trademarks of AbbVie Biotechnology Ltd.

Helpful injection tips
- Your HUMIRA prefilled syringe should be stored in its original carton in a refrigerator (36°F to 46°F) until you are ready to use it. Full storage instructions are available in the Medication Guide.
- If more comfortable, take your HUMIRA prefilled syringe out of the refrigerator 15 to 30 minutes before injecting to allow the liquid to reach room temperature. Do not warm HUMIRA in any other way (for example, do not warm it in a microwave or in hot water).
- Do not use if the liquid is cloudy or discolored or has flakes or particles in it.
- Keep HUMIRA, injection supplies, and all other medicines out of the reach of children.
When using the HUMIRA prefilled syringe:
- While injecting, hold the prefilled syringe by the body of the syringe with the needle pointing down.
- Do not drop or crush HUMIRA. The prefilled syringe is glass.
Full injection instructions are available in the Instructions for Use, located inside your HUMIRA carton, and included in the Full Prescribing Information. For injection assistance, call 1.800.4HUMIRA (1.800.448.6472).

If you miss a dose:
- Inject a dose as soon as you remember
- Then, take your next dose at your regular scheduled time
- Call your doctor or pharmacist if are not sure when to inject HUMIRA

Your HUMIRA Complete Nurse Ambassador* can help
Your Nurse Ambassador can:
- Answer your injection questions
- Set up additional injection training after initial training with your healthcare provider
- Connect you with online resources
Don’t have a Nurse Ambassador? Sign up for HUMIRA Complete.
Your Ambassador will call within 1 business day.
If you need to talk sooner, call 1.800.4HUMIRA (1.800.448.6472) to speak with a registered nurse. Nurses† are on call to provide injection help and assistance to patients taking HUMIRA.

You can also get answers 24/7 on Live Chat
*Nurse Ambassadors are provided by AbbVie and do not work under the direction of your health care professional (HCP) or give medical advice. They are trained to direct patients to their HCP for treatment-related advice, including further referrals.
†On-call nurses are available at 1.800.4HUMIRA (1.800.448.6472) for assistance Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM ET. At all other times, a nurse will return your call within 1 hour.

Proper disposal of your sharps container
“Sharps” is a term that includes syringes and pens that may be used to inject medicine. Proper sharps disposal helps protect people and pets. Here’s how to find out more:
- Visit for local guidelines on the right way to dispose of your used sharps and sharps container
- Check the websites of your trash removal service or health department to see if they offer a sharps disposal program
After properly disposing of your sharps container, visit to find out which household containers can be used for future sharps disposal.